Sunday, June 15, 2008


Oh the gloriousness of Summer with-a-capital-s!!

Friends are beginning to arrive for their holidays with plans and ideas of loveliness to partake in (it's always a treat to see your town through the eyes of someone new) and, just off a two-week stint at a lakeside cottage, my sweetheart and I are up to our gills with dreams and the beginnings of plans for our own (modest, mind you) waterfront retreat. We live just a block from the ocean currently, but we long for yet another quirky little cottagey thing--even more rustic (electricity? we're not sure), with a porch and a loft and a dock, lake breezes and a knock-about boat or two. A place where mis-matched is charming, cooking equals potato chips with lettuce and a grilled hunk of meat (or portabella for me), flip flops are haute coture and everyone is considered family. A precious little spot with a bunkhouse (eventually), a tent platform (immediately) and a sense of home. I want to live there in the Summer, literally. We're beginning to look for property as we speak.

Have I mentioned that we are not millionaires, and barely qualify as thousandaires (if there is such a word)? We've just decided, he and I, that a smidgen of land on a body of fresh water is more important to us than new cars, a fancy house, a trip abroad, or a myriad of other things that are not quite as dear in our minds. I am excited. So far, we've sussed out and discussed the merits of every plot of land in our criteria and have each drafted sketches of the "perfect" lay-outs of our camp (thankfully they are eerily similar). We're taking into account timing (I'm in school, mind you) and funding (minimal) and desire (ample amounts). All we know at this point is that it will happen. The thrilling mystery is, when?