Monday, July 14, 2008

Where has all the Summer Gone?

A dear friend reminded me that when one has a blog, one ought to attempt to update it more than once per month. "I look at your blog more than you do!" she laughed. Quite true, my dear.

The thing is, summer has leapt out of the gate like a thoroughbred, and we're rounding the first corner, heading into the straightaway. We're already halfway through the mad dash, yet it feels as though we've just begun. Summer, in this neck of the woods anyway, is not a lingering, lallygagging season. It's the season into which you squish every moment of outdoor fun you can possibly muster. Here's the score so far: Hiking? Check. A lovely jaunt was had through a local land conservation site. Ice cream? Check. A rocky road and mint chip (sounds odd, but it works) cone with friends on a hot and steamy Saturday. Lawn games? Check. Several rounds of croquet and a remarkably successful outing at the horseshoe pit. Still on the list; boating, camping, berry picking and a road trip on the motorcycle. Hurray! Still so much to do!

In other news, my sweetie and I have eased off of our passionate need to own waterfront land (slightly) and have been suddenly overcome by an urgent desire to explore the French countryside. We undertake this new endeavor with our usual impeccable sense of timing; the dollar is plummeting, the cost of air travel is skyrocketing, and Americans are slightly less than beloved by our global neighbors. Rest assured, we are not deterred. And why should we be? We're two hale and hearty whippersnappers with oodles of resources at their disposal. So far, I have been inspired NOT to buy the most stunning dress I've EVER worn in the hopes that the dough I would have spent on the super-expensive frock will be stashed away for the afore-mentioned trip. Now I just need to figure out how to infuse my delicate, ever-so-frail willpower with a hearty dose of protein and longevity. Easier said than done.

Well I'm off! The coming week brings Art Walks, island visits, swimming, boating, the possibility of camping, and the lovely anticipation of a visit from a far-away friend. May your middle of July be happy and healthy!