Sunday, March 2, 2008

Crispy Sunshine

It's early March. In some parts of the western hemisphere, people are thinking spring, or even diving into warm ocean waters, but here on America's east coast, the ground is covered with fresh snow from yesterday's storm, and the thermometer on our outbuilding reads 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

Our winter has been long, but this morning as my body steadfastly refused my brain's pleadings for more sleep, I slipped downstairs to a day of brilliant sunshine. I curled up near a window with my computer, and was soon joined by a tiny black-capped chickadee flitting about in a hydrangea bush mere inches from my perch inside. The little fellow hopped sprightly from branch to branch, calling to his pals every once and a while. I imagine he was scoping out breakfast possibilities.

The sun, the blazing blue sky and the trees with the ocean and its archipelago beyond made the scene outside look alternately too beautiful to touch, and too enticing not to experience with one's entire body. I silently gave thanks to the universe for providing such a glorious beginning to the day, sent wishes of inspiration to my friends afar, and tip-toed upstairs to wake my husband with a kiss. Life is so good.

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