Monday, March 3, 2008

Still Fightin'

Thursday evening my throat started feeling scratchy, and by Friday morning I was feverish and achy--nothing too severe, but enough to cause an early exit from work and an even earlier bedtime por moi. Mike and I spend a quiet weekend together in order to enable my recovery, and I am shocked to say that it hasn't worked. A mini-flu, a shadow of a true illness, sticking around for so long? Come on! I am not amused. I overslept this morning and am now weighing my work options; should I go in, or stay out? The longer I remain vertical, the louder my body screams, STAY HOME!! We'll see.

In less mind-numbingly boring news, I've been investigating the aerobic dance technique, Nia. A friend is opening a visually stunning center for wellness through movement, and has asked me to explore the technique with her. I've taken an introductory workshop, and watched a few videos, but am hoping to attend more classes in person soon. As a former dancer, I like the idea of a movement style geared toward getting anyone and everyone comfortable with moving their bodies, and focusing on getting fit in a fun way, but I'd love to learn more. If you have any Nia insight, I'd love to hear it.

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