Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Happiness of a Newborn Boy

My dear friend Megan sent me photographs of her three-day old babe just the other day. I opened her email expecting to see the ubiquitous boy baby photo of the teensy one peeking out from under a blue hat, and instead found an incredibly moving series of images. The photographs showed the tenderness between Meg and her husband in the moments before their son was born, the first gaze shared between mother and son, and the sweet, sweet cuddles of a trio of sisters meeting their brother for the first time.

What a gift those images were! I felt transported to the time and place in which they were taken. I've now had the opportunity to meet the dear boy in person, and to witness the exuberant love his sisters have for him. All the while Meg, who was home alone with her foursome at the time of my visit, exuded loving calmness and a peacefulness that was beautiful. I, as a fully-grown woman who sometimes feels that she can barely take care of herself, was humbled.

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